Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011
Format Flashdisk Kingston dengan berbagai cara
Apabila anda memiliki Fdisk merek kingstone dengan masalah2 sebagai berikut :
*Tidak bisa diformat, meskipun sudah diformat menggunakan tool tread party seperti HP ( HPUSBDiskStorageFormatTool atw HP drive key boot utility)dan banyak macam software sejenis untuk Format MMC dan flashdrive
*Tidak bisa di format lewat commad prompt
*Tidak bisa di format melalui computer managemet
Silakan coba download pada link disini, siapa tahu bisa ampuh memperbaiki flashdisk anda.
dan disini juga, tidak ada salahnya di coba
Nah jika masalahnya demikian ada beberapa hal yg harus di lakukan pada flashdisk anda
Periksa bagian konektor,pin IC, dan macam2 hardwae lain yg kotor, sebaiknya menggunakan LUP.jika kotor bisa disikat pakai sikat gigi bekas dikasi proslove / contac cleaner
Jika ada yg copot sholderanya ( nowitting ) bisa di solder ulang.
Tapi......!!! setelah di colokin lagi ke PC, ga da perubahan, cara di atas tidaka mempan / kerusakan bukan pada visual hardware
maka disarankan agar banyak berdoa semoga dengan satu cara terakhir dibawah ini bisa menolong flashdisk and.
sebelum anda melakukan Flash ulang pada Flashdrive anda Jika masih bisa selamatkan dulu datanya menggunakan Program ini FlashMemoryToolkit
disini ada 4 jenis flash ic program flashdrive anda cocokan dengan seri ic anda jika flash drive anda seri icnya sss6690 maka yang di pakai toolnya " SSS_6686_TC58NC6686_MPTOOL " <<< work pada usbfd dt 101 2 gb. tapi ga papa coba satu satu kalau mau dan juga tidak ada efek sampingnya.
IKA Flash drive anda tidak bisa di flash dg 4 tool diatas( bukan fail program ) guna kanlah tool ini satu-satu, tergantung mana yg support dg IC program Flashdrive anda all_usb_kingstoneEEprom_flash
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011
this is the meaning of the beep on your computer
ONE BEEP beep once to show all the relevant components of a PC system works well.
BEEP THREE TIMES If this sounds like what you hear, do check as step number three. This sound usually indicates a malfunction or an error similar to beep twice.
FOUR times BEEP error that causes that the BIOS ", read" as much as this is almost the same sound two or three times. Step number three can be done again to see if there are errors. In as much as this tone, the problem could also be due to the timer on the PC is not working correctly.
Beep BEEP FIVE TIMES as much as it shows your motherboard is a "protest" because of something related to memory. Check the available memory, if the position correctly. After that reboot. If all these steps have been done but the BIOS still "roar" like this, it marks the motherboard must be replaced. There are other tips that can be done when the problem initerjadi. Replace your processor, though this may be quite expensive!
BEEP SIX TIMES if the BIOS "to read" this much, the problem only occurs on the chipset on the motherboard, which manages the functions of the PC keyboard. Adjust the position of the chipset, if found, these chips are soldered together. If the signal remains just as it sounds, replace this chipset if possible. If not, then forced to replace the motherboard, especially if it is established that the soldered chipset already dead on her body.
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
Inilah Arti Bunyi "BEEP" pada Komputer Anda
bunyi beep sekali menandakan semua komponen sistem PC yang bersangkutan bekerja dengan baik.
Kalau bunyi beep sebanyak ini yang anda dengar, berarti ada sesuatu yang kurang beres dengan memori PC anda. Periksa fasilitas video atau grafis yang ada. Jika fasilitas video ini bekerja dengan baik, pada monitor akan tampak pesan error. Apabila fasilitas ini memang tidak bekerja, berarti ada masalah dengan parity pada bagian 64KB yang pertama. Yang harus anda lakukan adalah memeriksa SIMM yang ada. Pasang kembali komponen ini secara benar kemudian lakukanlah booting ulang. Jika bunyi sebanyak ini masih saja terdengar, berarti kerusakan ada pada chip memorinya. Cara lain juga bisa anda lakukan yaitu dengan menukar kedudukan chip memori yang pertama dengan yang kedua. Ada baiknya Anda periksa dahulu pada buku manual mana tempat kedudukan memori pertama pada motherboard yang anda pakai. Apabila memori yang dipakai ternyata masih dalam kondisi prima, itu berarti kerusakan ada pada motherboard.
Kalau bunyi seperti ini yang anda dengar, lakukanlah pemeriksaan seperti langkah nomor tiga. Biasanya bunyi ini menandakan kerusakan atau kesalahan yang hampir sama dengan bunyi beep dua kali.
Kesalahan yang terjadi yang menyebabkan BIOS “berbunyi” sebanyak ini hampir sama dengan bunyi beep dua kali maupun tiga kali. Langkah-langkah nomor tiga bisa dilakukan kembali untuk memeriksa kesalahan. Pada bunyi beep sebanyak ini, masalah bisa juga karena timer pada PC yang kurang berfungsi dengan baik.
Bunyi sebanyak ini menandakan motherboard anda sedang “protes” karena sesuatu hal yang berhubungan dengan memori. Periksa memori yang ada, apakah kedudukannya sudah benar. Setelah itu lakukanlah booting ulang. Kalau semua langkah tersebut sudah dilakukan tapi BIOS tetap “meraung-raung” seperti ini, itu tandanya motherboard anda harus diganti. Ada kiat lain yang bisa dilakukan bila masalah initerjadi. Ganti prosesor anda, meski cara ini boleh dibilang cukup mahal!
Kalau BIOS “berbunyi” sebanyak ini, berarti masalah sedang terjadi pada chipset di motherboard yang mengendalikan fungsi keyboard PC anda. Atur kembali kedudukan chipset tersebut jika ternyata didapati chip ini tidak disolder. Jika bunyi beep sebanyak ini masih saja terdengar, gantilah chipset ini jika mungkin. Jika tidak, lagi-lagi dengan terpaksa anda harus mengganti motherboard, apalagi jika didapati chipset ini memang sudah tersolder mati pada body-nya.
Kalau “sirene” tanda bahaya dari BIOS terdengar sebanyak ini, siap-siaplah anda menanggung kerugian yang lumayan gede. Ada dua kemungkinan kerusakan yang terjadi. Kemungkinan pertama adalah prosesor anda yang patah salah satu kakinya atau prosesor tersebut tidak bekerja secara normal. Kemungkinan kedua, motherboard anda kurang beres. Kalau anda penasaran, coba pasang prosesor anda tersebut pada PC yang lain. Kalau ternyata prosesor berjalan normal, berarti kerusakan terletak pada motherboard-nya. Satu-satunya jalan yang harus dilakukan adalah mengganti prosesor atau motherboard. Semua itu tergantung kerusakan yang terjadi.
Dipastikan ada masalah yang terjadi pada kartu grafis yang anda pakai. Pastikan kartu grafis tersebut telah terpasang dengan benar pada port-nya. Jika ternyata BIOS masih tetap mengeluarkan “nyanyiannya”, itu berarti kartu grafis anda rusak secara keseluruhan atau memori yang ada padanya yang rusak. Cara terbaik yang sebaiknya dilakukan adalah mengganti kartu grafis yang dipakai.
Ini berarti BIOS anda yang rusak. Ganti BIOS tersebut atau upgrade BIOS anda. Kalau masih rusak juga, ganti motherboardnya!
Masalah terletak pada bagian dalam CMOS. Semua chip yang terhubung dengan CMOS sebaiknya diganti akibat CMOS yang “ngambek” tersebut. Kiat yang paling jitu untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah mengganti motherboard anda dengan yang baru.
Seandainya bunyi sebanyak ini yang keluar dari speaker PC anda, berarti masalah terletak pada cache memori dan PC anda secara otomatis men-disable-nya buat anda. Yang harus anda lakukan adalah mengaktifkannya kembali dengan menekan tombol ctrl-altshift- Tapi jika kiat ini tidak juga manjur mengobati “penyakit”, gantilah memori Anda ya!
Trik Agar Flash Disk Tidak Mudah Terkena Virus
1. Klik START -> RUN ketik "gpedit.msc" (tanpa tanda petik) klik OK
2. tampilan Policy window akan muncul. dobel klik "Administrative Templates" di kolom sebelah kiri.
3. setelah itu cari "System" di kolom sebelah kanan.
4. cari "Turn Off Autoplay" patikan pilihannya "enabled" tentukan "All drives" klik ok
5. otak-atik regedit... caranya : klik sTART -> RUN ketik "regedit" klik OK.
6. telusuri registri berikut:
7. cari "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"
8. klik dua kali lalu isi dengan angka 95.
9. Restart komputer
mudah bukan!? emang cara ini ngak jamin virus ngak bisa masuk, tapi paling tidak virusnya gak bisa aktif, kecuali bila virusnya kamu klik atau hackernya dah nemu trik baru yang lebih hebat.
semoga bermanfaat
Trik Agar Flash Disk Tidak Mudah Terkena Virus
1. Klik START -> RUN ketik "gpedit.msc" (tanpa tanda petik) klik OK
2. tampilan Policy window akan muncul. dobel klik "Administrative Templates" di kolom sebelah kiri.
3. setelah itu cari "System" di kolom sebelah kanan.
4. cari "Turn Off Autoplay" patikan pilihannya "enabled" tentukan "All drives" klik ok
5. otak-atik regedit... caranya : klik sTART -> RUN ketik "regedit" klik OK.
6. telusuri registri berikut:
7. cari "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"
8. klik dua kali lalu isi dengan angka 95.
9. Restart komputer
mudah bukan!? emang cara ini ngak jamin virus ngak bisa masuk, tapi paling tidak virusnya gak bisa aktif, kecuali bila virusnya kamu klik atau hackernya dah nemu trik baru yang lebih hebat.
semoga bermanfaat
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
TSR watermark image: assure your assignment from the "hands of ignorant''
TSR watermark image: assure your assignment from the "hands of ignorant"
Piracy, theft, or booty after permission is article that is not good. Similarly, burglary images is generally the case in cyberspace. How does it feel back you've agitated to aftermath an angel and again one takes for granted? Certainly not actual pleasant. To abstain this, it takes acomputer application watermark that can accommodate the character of the angel you ambition to upload.
What is a watermark? For those who are not complex in the account world, the book will accordingly appear to mind. Basically, the watermark is a logo or argument absorbed to photos or images with the purpose of accouterment identification, alienated the piracy picture, or a copyrighted image.
Watermark Image TSR was developed by Anders Pedersen beneath the banderole of Soft TSR. This affairs can legitimize, pictures, images, logos, from the after-effects of your adamantine work. Apart from giving a watermark images, this appliance has the adeptness that can not be dismissed.
Possession of this adeptness as a freeware is absolutely acceptable and satisfactory. You can almanac an angel or character in the achievement angel with the abutment of the JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP and GIF extension. In addition, the affection of the watermark can additionally be configured as all-important back the achievement appearance book image.
Adjust the bend of view, argument effects, and command band for automatic profile, it's all allotment of the added appearance offered by TSR Soft. You can be artistic as they admiring in affix identification appetite to upload pictures. The laying of the watermark can additionally be abiding as desired, alignment from the middle, beneath or above.
As an added attraction, this appliance has added advantages that accomplish changes to the angel admeasurement in accordance with the ambit authentic in the argument or logo lasts. In addition, you can additionally see a examination of the angel during the process.
Watermark adequately quick process. If aggregate is ready, in the case in beneath a minute you can get results. Featured offered additionally in accordance with the functions of this application, not boundless and can run well. Meanwhile, the architecture has to action accustomed and user friendly.
After the amend is available, will automatically affectation a chat box absolute the amend advice and the advantage to amend thecomputer appliance or not. The amend action itself went calmly after any hindrance. A alternation of tests conducted can be eaten by this application.
For advice about tutorials, FAQ, or download an application, you can appointment www.watermark-image.com. TSR Soft provides these applications to use freeware personal.Bila you admired this and appetite to use it commercially, charge meregistrasikannya. The amount offered for a distinct authorization account U.S. $ 25 per person.
Another allure of this appliance is the abutment of added than 10 languages, including Indonesian. In addition, the affairs can run on Windows XP, Vista and Win 7. With a accommodation of 478 MB back downloaded, the minimum accouterments requirements for active applications syaratkan is absolutely absolutely high.
For bloggers and Internet users who adulation to upload photos, you charge install this affairs on anniversary PC. In accession to the operation to accord the character of the angel or angel that you have, thiscomputer application additionally offers opportunities and acceptable performance.
Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011
Safe XP Freeware To Speed Up Windows XP
Safe XP
If your computer loading so quickly, sometimes not felt. Conversely, if loading get slowly, it will be be felt, evenvery annoying. Many ways to improve the speed of the operating system. One way is to disable unneeded facilities. The problem is, many applications or services that run automatically, so we do not know or difficult to distinguish between them, which is important and what is not. We need an application to help choose the application or service that we do not need when running the operating system. One is XP Safe.
Then click apply.
In the bottom left corner there is the option "Recover back to the country in the first run", click to return to the previous position (such as Undo). or you can click "Save settings to file" before changing the settings and automatically stored in a secure folder that XP. And click "Restore settings from a file" to return to the previous settings.
Before used to be extracted from the zip file.
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Download Multiple Files At The Same Time Hotfile And Megaupload
open at the same time a reference to the file that you downloaded it before that Hotfile or mega upload download suppose you have three parts, and then open only three links in three different tabs.
just click the regular download amp countdownnya wait until finished
when there appears a link like this, right click copy link location> select
return to Visual Wget
a. click on the sign is
b. copy and paste the link of download
c. now specify the folder to store these files
d. Do not forget to remove the check mark in the "Start this job when i click OK"
e. And then click "OK"
copy downloaded the second link above, and repeat the above steps 5 through multiple files
If everything was ready to block any of them, and then click " Start ". Then the file will start downloading
And now we'll wait for your download is complete
How to Fix a Computer or Laptop Memory Defective
Most of the RAM / Memory Computer (PC) / laptop, has a lifetime warranty, because emang this component is not easily damaged. So if emang broken, mending diretur. But how his company if it does not exist, or the type of RAM has not been produced, or the shipping costs more than the new price gedhe RAM, or other adverse conditions that make RAM that can not be diretur despite a lifetime warranty? We tried to fix it yourself deh RAM, who knows still be used. Actually this is already very old-fashioned way, but still very effective.
Conditions of RAM that can be improved, remains in position and not crack a lot less broken, do not die, because konsleting or burnt and dry (if it is wet, dry it first)
1. Take a regular rubber eraser used to clean graffiti pencil, then sand the pin RAM as usual to remove graffiti.
2. Take thinner (paint laxative), use a cotton swab and rub it gently on the RAM pins. Then dried.
3. use an ohmmeter to multitester, lots of x 10. Connect the metre cable (+) are usually red in one probe, measuring cable (-) are generally black sand slapping at all other contacts.
4. Please install the RAM and see the results, 80% RAM dead can live again in this way.
This explanation:
Rubber Eraser is actually working to clean up the dirt as a pencil on paper, by removing the part removed and grind like sandpaper on wood. To contact RAM, rubber eraser to clean up the dirt on contact is not visible to the eye. The mud that covered pin RAM usually cause memory unreadable.
Solvent has the same function, that is exactly the way it works differently. Solvent liquid disappear a bit strong pollution output RAM, which is not erased rubber eraser.
The flow of electricity from the battery to power the old multitester mengaktifkankembali currently not move because of blocked by dirt. After cleaning, the flow of electricity must be compelling to move again, so that when used is not blocked anymore.
Most computer repair shops all know this trick, but rarely someone would like to inform users of commercial reasons. There are also stores that suggested replacing the RAM to sell merchandise
Anyway, rather than confused no one tried way above the cheap, if the RAM is still not working, buy one another. At least, if successful, could save hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if that fails, you just lose a piece of rubber eraser and a drop of lighter fluid, and within 5 minutes Most of the computer's RAM has a lifetime warranty, because this emang component is not easily damaged
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
PC Immune To The Virus Without Any Anti-Virus
With the technique of 'OS Hardening simple' I can make a computer immune to the virus without using antivirus program (AV only makes the computer so bolot!)
All the trojan that exist has not been able to penetrate this technique. This technique is a simple technique that cool. In many cases, simply logout if compie lu lu compie infected with a trojan and will clear up by themselves so you log in again. Never use a Deep Freeze ...^_^ In some cases, sometimes a few additional cleaning steps may be needed.
basically all anti virus will make a computer so heavy because of good AV program should have a database of all evil malcode patterns around the world. 'Artificial intelligence' Unless they later changed their approach to AI or program.
Get used to work using a special account is 'limited' bro. Because the 'administrator' account is the actual as the name intended to microsoft only to systems such as admin to install the program. So, if you only work with the world, excel, ppoint, so we must use the account 'Limited' only. om ....??? how it works
ok this is how it works ..... "OS hardening" was created based on the pattern of attacks in our PC, most of the trojan computer registry and then doing strengthening folder2 important.
Malcode such as viruses and Trojan programs are basically just ordinary, they will make modifications to the registry key2 at the time of execution.
Questions such as how to make 'malcode' upset can not infect our kompie similar to the question of how to malcode can not make changes to the registry which also means the same as the question of how to make a program can not be in 'install'.... yupp install programs under ^ _ 'limited' user ^
Users with limited rights account was never allowed the system to install programs even make the effort of formatting the drive as one command line contained on the hard drive killer malcode:
for %%a in (%drive%) do call format %%a:/q /u /autotest >nul
The primary key is always a target malcode HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE contains a valid system configuration for all users. Malcode not be permitted to modify the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE if your privileged status is 'limited', only the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key that contains a particular user can kondigurasi in 'Black' (read = infected).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER malcode repair damaged very easily, simply delete the account in question (remember the option 'save file') and recreate the same account. The operating system will re-organize the database HKEY_CURRENT_USER for the user in question ... less than 5 minutes!!. This is what I say to similikity forumer that no Trojan horse that can survive in kompie upset i ^ _ more than 5 '^ Let us prove it. Try to create a user account is 'limited' open notepad or any kind of application to create various types of files. Save the file with a name that is memorable and delete accounts using the Administrator account (remember the option 'save file'). After the clearly visible on the desktop, will appear 1 folder contains the files we just created.
Resetting the account that we have a special delete using the 'restricted', of course, after a logout it. Try to login with new user. When we first log in using the new user feels a bit old system allows us to go, this is because the OS was writing HKEY_CURRENT_USER new for us, and of course free of the virus (if there is no virus code that has been entrenched in the first course in ^ _ ^ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
See? how easy it is to eradicate the trojan using a computer without anti-virus program? This works 100% ... please try